Executive Coaching

“What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” is the title of a well-known book by leading executive coach Marshall Goldsmith. You are successful. But you’re not fully satisfied; you know you there is more to be your best version of yourself, to fulfill your purpose/potential. But you don't know how to accomplish it.
Scott Thurber is a guide, helping senior executives in their journey to clarify and fulfill their purpose/potential, while strengthening their most important relationships.
Scott's process focuses on the wholistic client, not just on the business part. For a client to be a successful leader they must have a healthy personal life. "Put on your own oxygen mask first before helping the person next to you".
Scott's process:
Listen. There is no cookie cutter profile of a successful leader. Scott believes each client has a unique combination of gifts, talents, passions and resources. Each is uniquely equipped to bring his/her own personal approach to his/her leadership.
What are the client's values, vision and goals. Investigate, discover and clarify these if needed.
Identify gaps between the client's desired future and the current state.
Develop a plan for change, and how to measure progress along the journey.
Enlist needed resources to inform and empower the client along the journey.
Assist the client with implementing his/her plan. Work on helpful habits, eliminating unhelpful habits and thinking. Help overcome hurdles and roadblocks. Provide accountability.
Celebrate success along the way!
Once goals have been achieved, identify 'what's next?' And repeat.
Some clients prefer individual one-on-one coaching, some like including a peer group experience to help them along in their journey, in which case they may be a fit with Scott's Vistage CEO peer group.
Either way, if you want to become even more successful and achieve your potential with more life balance, consider that 'what got you to where you are may likely not get you to you next level'.
Give Scott a call for a brief exploratory conversation or sample coaching session.

Tom Kellogg
Scott Thurber is an extraordinary coach, mentor, and friend. As a member of his Vistage group for 5 years, his guidance along with the members’ advice helped our company through the recession of 2008. I have worked one-on-one with Scott as an Executive Coach for almost 10 years, and he has been instrumental in helping our company achieve exponential growth.
Scott has focused on building the strategic direction for our company, and he has encouraged us to look 5 years down the road to prepare. He keeps our conversation focused on specifics, and he holds me accountable for all follow-up actions. He also strikes a perfect balance between asking probing questions, and providing answers or guidance towards making good decisions.
Scott also stresses the importance of personal goals. He has encouraged me to set specific goals as a leader, husband and father. On the personal side has also focuses on working with the end goal in mind. Our conversations about life are always thoughtful and productive.
I would highly recommend Scott as an Executive Coach to anyone who is looking to grow.

Chris Benoit
Vice President
Anchor Auto Group